Other great walking organizations & walks you can take in PORTlAND, MAIne & beyond


Portland Trails: Local trail maps, placemaking activities and more

Portland Freedom Trail: Walking trail highlighting the people, places, events and daily life associated with the Underground Railroad and anti-slavery movement in Portland.

Maine Historical Society: Guided tour to the city's waterfront highlighting Portland's history.

Portland Women's History Trail: Seven walks introducing women in Portland from two centuries in a variety of settings, activities, and backgrounds.

Portland Brick: Highlights what is significant about Portland by personalizing the streets in the India Street neighborhood through site-specific stamped bricks and storytelling.


Walking Artist Network: International website connecting walking artists and listing events, symposia, exhibitions and more.

Museum of Walking: curates exhibitions and walks in Arizona, collects walking artist books/works

The Milena Principle, Made of Walking: organizes international walking symposia

Talking Walking: podcast interviews with artists, specialists and walkers talking about how walking inspires their work and shapes our world.

Museum of Walking, UK: Leads walks and walkshops in UK, soundwalk Sundays.

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